Approval of Excess Maintenance Payments (EMP) 624-05-20-10-20

(Revised 10/1/2023 ML #3756)

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An Excess Maintenance Payment SFN 904 (EMP), may apply when it has been noted that the child has extra needs. The Child Needs Assessment (SFN 1865) is completed. If the child has additional needs beyond that of a child the same chronological and developmental stage, an EMP is allowed for a licensed or approved family foster home when physical, emotional, and/or material resources are greater than expected in normal foster parenting.


Completing the Excess Maintenance Payment process:

  1. The custodial agency/case manager will complete SFN 1865, Child Needs Assessment when the child's additional needs are noted by the case manager and/or paid foster care provider.
  2. Upon completion of the SFN 1865, the case managers will submit the form to the assigned CFS Field Service Specialist. The CFS Field Service Specialist will rate the needs to determine the level of the Excess Maintenance Payment (SFN 904).
  3. CFS Field Service Specialist will facilitate the completion of and, with the assistance of the case manager, obtain signatures needed on the signed SFN 904, "Agreement to Furnish Specialized Family Foster Care Services, Excess Maintenance Payment". The duration of the signed SFN 904 agreement cannot exceed six months from the effective date or cannot exceed the placement end date of the primary provider in which the agreement is signed. The SFN 904 must be completed before a specialized foster care payment can be made to the family foster care provider. Signatures are required on the SFN 904 from the foster care provider(s), custodial agency case manager, and the assigned CFS Field Service Specialist.

The SFN 904 is initiated after a need for an excess maintenance payment is determined. The dollar amount or level to be paid is determined based on the rating from the SFN 1865. Payments identified on the SFN 904 must be reviewed at quarterly Child and Family Team meetings and cannot exceed six months in duration or the end of the primary placement, whichever comes first.


An Excess Maintenance Payment (EMP):

  1. Can be re-evaluated at any time throughout the life of the case.

  2. Cannot be applied to Nexus-PATH treatment foster care TFC.

  3. Can be considered for Nexus PATH regular placements, with an understanding that the foster care provider receives the increased amount of reimbursement.